Excretory urography is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the structure and functioning of the urinary system, when renal masses, such as tumors, calculi, or genetic abnormalities are suspected.
Generally, excretory urography is done by the urologist, in the case of the man, or by the gynecologist, in the case of the woman, especially when there are symptoms such as blood in the urine, pain in the urinary tract or frequent urinary infections.
Excretory urography uses a contrast of iodine injected into the vein that reaches the urinary tract and facilitates its observation by x-ray.
The price of excretory urography is about 450 reais, however it can be done within the health plan for around 300 reais.
Preparation for excretory urography
The preparation for excretory urography should include 8-hour fasting and intestinal cleansing with oral laxatives or enemas, as directed by your doctor.
How is excretory urography made?
Excretory urography is done with the individual lying on their belly upwards and without anesthesia, and an abdominal x-ray is made before the examination begins. An iodized contrast is then injected into the vein that is rapidly eliminated through the urine, allowing the entire urinary tract to be seen from the kidneys to the urethra. For this, other x-rays are made, one after the contrast injection, another 5 minutes later and another two, 10 and 15 minutes later.
In addition, the doctor, depending on the problem being studied, may request an x-ray before and after emptying the bladder.
During excretory urography, the patient may feel heat in the body, metallic taste in the boa, nausea, vomiting or allergy due to the use of contrast.
Risks of excretory urography
The risks of excretory urography are mainly related to allergic skin reactions caused by contrast injection. Thus, it is recommended to drink plenty of water to help quickly eliminate the contrast of the body and be alert to symptoms such as itching, hives, headache, cough and stuffy nose, for example.
Contraindications of excretory urography include patients with renal impairment or with hypersensitivity to contrast.