The Saião is a medicinal plant, also known as coirama, leaf-of-fortune, leaf of the coast or monk's ear, widely used in the treatment of stomach changes, such as indigestion or stomach pain, also having anti- inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihypertensive and cicatrizing.
The scientific name of this plant is Kalanchoe brasiliensis Cambess, and its leaves can be bought in natural products stores and some pharmacies of manipulation, much consumed in the form of teas, juices or used for preparations of ointments and infusions.
What is it for
The properties of saião have several benefits, which include:
- A contribution to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis, dyspepsia or inflammatory bowel disease, for example, for its calming and healing effect on the mucosa of the stomach and intestine;
- Diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate kidney stones, decrease swelling in the legs and control blood pressure;
- Treatment of skin lesions such as ulcers, erysipelas, burns, dermatitis, warts and insect bites;
- Aid for the treatment of lung infections, such as bronchitis, asthma and cough relief;
In addition, the consumption of saião has been pointed out as having anti-tumor effect, so far tested in rats, which can bring future benefits in the treatment against cancer.
How to take
The most used part of the saião is its leaf, which is used in the preparation of teas, juices and extracts to apply on the skin or to prepare creams and ointments. To prepare a tea of saião, one can follow the following recipe:
- Sauté tea: Put 3 tablespoons (250g) chopped leaves into 250ml boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and drink 2 cups a day.
In addition, the saión sheet can be beaten together with a cup of milk, and it should be strained and taken twice a day, which many believe potentiate its effects as cough and stomach coughing.
Possible side effects
There are no side effects reported.
Who should not take
There were no formal contraindications to saiao, however, its use is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.