Treatment for Prader-willi syndrome is aimed at reducing symptoms, as medical advances have not yet discovered the cure for this genetic disease.
The treatment uses the following techniques and measures:
- Speech Therapy : This therapy allows to make some advances related to the language and the forms of communication of these individuals.
- Physical Activity : Frequent physical activity is important to balance body weight and strengthen muscles.
- Physiotherapy : Physiotherapy provides the improvement of muscle tone, a better balance and improves fine motor skills.
- Occupational therapy : Occupational therapy gives Prader-willi patients greater independence and autonomy in daily activities.
- Hormone administration: The use of hormones increases stature and decreases the amount of body fat in individuals with the syndrome.
- Psychological support : Psychological support is important to guide the individual and his family in dealing with obsessive-compulsive behaviors and mood disorders.
Prader-willi syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes disorders in the functioning of the hypothalamus, causing symptoms such as mental retardation, short stature, binge eating, speech difficulties, delayed motor development and mood disorders.
Early intervention is determinant for the quality of life of patients with Prader-willi syndrome, the earlier the treatment is performed, the lower the effects caused by the symptoms.