To find out what the shape of your face is, you should tie your hair and take a picture of the face only. After having this picture, you should look at the image and imagine (or if you prefer to draw or draw) a vertical line that divides the face, which will be the line of the length of the face, and another horizontally dividing the face in half, which will be the line width of the face.
These lines are very important because they are the ones that will help determine your face type, helping to analyze the length and characteristics of each side of the face.
Another way to analyze your face, is to hold your hair and stand in front of the fixed mirror in a well-lit place. After that, using a lipstick, makeup pencil, chalk or even a whiteboard pen should draw the entire outline of your face in the mirror, not including the ears, keeping as still as possible and without tilting the head forward .
Types of Face
Round, square, oval, heart, oblong or diamond are the main types of face that exist to characterize the different shape, and each of them presents its own format and specific characteristics:
1. Round Face
The lines of the length and width of the face have the same dimensions, that is, the same length. In addition, this type of face does not have straight lines, its angles are poorly defined and very rounded.
Often this type of face is confused with the oval type, but the big difference is that the forehead is small and the distance between the bottom of the nose and the chin is smaller than the length of the whole nose.
- Glasses most indicated:
When you need to choose sunglasses or degree, for this type of face you should avoid glasses with rounded lines that accentuate the round lines even more. The ideal is to opt for glasses with straight lines, the rectangular and square models being the most indicated.
2. Square Face
In the type of square face the lines of the length and the width of the face also have the same dimensions, as it happens in the round face, with the great difference that the lines of the face are straight and intense. This type of face has straight forehead, side, chin and jaw lines, most of which are right angles.
Often the square face can be easily identified by analyzing the part of the face that lies below the line of the width of the face, which is drawn horizontally.
- Glasses most indicated:
To choose sunglasses or grade, it is recommended to choose glasses in aviator or kitten format, as they are formats that soften the straight lines characteristic of this type of face.
3. Oval Face
In the oval face, what happens is that the line of the length is approximately ⅓ greater than the line of the width, being this one type of face slightly elongated when compared with the previous ones. This type of face is soft and delicate and has no angles that stand out.
- Glasses most indicated:
If you have this type of face and are intending to choose sunglasses or degree has the task facilitated, as both models are well rounded as straight. The most important rule for this type of face is to hit the size of the glasses, which should be neither too big nor too small.
4. Heart Face
In the heart face, the line of the length is greater than the line of the width, being the pointed chin and the smaller point of this type of face. In this type of face, the forehead and cheekbones are broad, the width being similar, and the jaw lines are long and straight, tapering to the chin.
Often this type of face is associated with an inverted triangle, where the chin is the tip of the triangle.
- Glasses most indicated:
When it is necessary to choose glasses of degree or dark, for this type of face is recommended the glasses round or with rounded sides, being the aviator model the safest.
5. Oblong Face
In the oblong face type face, also known as rectangular, the length line is nearly double the width line, and the entire face resembles a rectangle vertically. In this type of face, the lateral lines are straight and well defined, as well as the lines of the jaw, as it happens in the square face.
The big difference in this type of face is that the mandible presents a slight curvature, which makes it less accented and less square. Another important feature is that the forehead tends to have the same width as the jaw, which gives a rectangular aspect to this type of face.
- Glasses most indicated:
As with the square face, if you want to choose sunglasses or grade, choose glasses in the form of aviator or kitten as they are formats that help soften the natural straight lines characteristic of this type of face.
6. Diamond Face
On the diamond-shaped face, the length line is greater than the width line, and as on the heart-shaped face the chin is detached, having a pointed appearance.
The big difference in this type of face is that the broader region is that of the cheekbones, the forehead and hairline being narrower (contrary to what happens in the heart-shaped face) along with a sharp, pointed chin. In addition, the jaw lines are long and straight, tapering slightly until reaching the chin.
- Glasses most indicated:
To choose glasses that match this type of face, it is recommended to choose round glasses, with rounded sides or with the oval bottom.