Correct posture improves quality of life because it decreases back pain, increases self-esteem and even decreases belly volume because it repositions localized fat, giving a better body contour. In addition, good posture prevents and treats chronic and painful health problems, such as:
- Spine problems such as 'hump', scoliosis and herniated disc;
- Reduction of respiratory capacity.
When bad posture is caused by shyness, fragility, a sense of helplessness and other feelings like these, correct posture can still change the way you think, give you more courage and a greater ability to cope with stress by feeling more confident. By staying in this posture the person becomes more assertive, more confident and more optimistic.
This benefit of correct posture is related to body language and is due to the increase of hormones such as testosterone, which increases the ability to lead, as the cortisol that is the hormone linked to stress decreases and this improves the way to deal with the situation more confidently.
Exercise to feel more confident
To feel more confident you need to stand still in the following position:
- Stand with your legs slightly apart;
- Chin parallel to the ground, looking at the horizon;
- Close your hands, placing them at your waist;
- With your chest open and your back straight, breathe normally.
This is the victorious stance of superheroes as superman and wonderwoman, as can be seen in the images below. Another body posture that achieves the same benefits is the general posture, with hands overlapping one over the other, supported on the bottom of the back.
Initially only 5 minutes of exercise a day is enough and these benefits can be achieved in approximately 2 weeks. It can be at home, at work or in the bathroom, before a job interview, or an important work meeting, for example.
Staying 2 to 5 minutes in this winner posture will make a contraction in the back muscles improve posture and this posture can change the way you think and act. The mind changes the behavior and the behavior will change the results. Although it may seem little, small adjustments in posture can confer major changes in body and behavior.
See all the details about the superman position in the following video: