The treatment of psoriasis, a skin disease that has no cure, can be done with the use of anti-inflammatory creams or ointments, which decrease the itching and keep the skin properly hydrated.
Exposing the affected area to the sun early in the morning or late afternoon without sunscreen also helps to control the lesions. However, in the most severe cases, phototherapy, which consists of exposure to UVA and UVB rays in dermatological clinics, may be used once a week for the time determined by the physician. Learn more about this treatment by clicking here.
Changing food is also important to help control psoriasis. In this case, it is appropriate to eat more organic foods, with little seasoning and fats, to detoxify the body. The less processed or processed foods you eat, the better.
See how psoriasis treatment is on the scalp.
Tips for fighting psoriasis
Watch the video for natural strategies and home remedies that relieve itching and fight psoriasis plaques:
Remedies for psoriasis
The clinical treatment of psoriasis can be done with the use of creams, ointments or tablets recommended by the dermatologist. Some examples are:
Creams and ointments for psoriasis
Initially, some 5 to 10% acetylsalicylic acid cream should be applied to the crust in order to facilitate its removal. After:
- For mild psoriasis, vitamin D
- For mild to moderate psoriasis, a corticosteroid ointment is used and the lesion is protected with a gauze
- For thicker and more resistant psoriasis: Antraline and Tar
Tablets for psoriasis :
- For moderate to severe psoriasis: oral retinoids, such as Acitretin
- For extensive psoriasis, with hospitalized individual: Methotrexate is used, but it is contraindicated for individuals with blood or liver problems. Ciclosporin may be used in the most severe cases.
This type of treatment should not be performed during pregnancy because of the risk of affecting the baby. But it is up to the doctor to make this decision after assessing the risk / benefit of the treatment for the woman.
Medications that strengthen the immune system can also help fight psoriasis lesions.
Alternative Treatments for Psoriasis
An alternative treatment for psoriasis is to clean the affected area with claw-rufa fish, also called fish-doctor. This is a kind of fish raised in captivity, which feeds on psoriasis-damaged skin when they are not properly fed. The treatment should be daily and each session lasts, on average, half an hour. There is also the option to do 2 times a week, with a longer duration.
Another form of treatment is to soak the affected area in water from mineral or thermal sources.
Natural Treatments for Psoriasis
A good natural treatment for psoriasis is to take the vitamin B complex supplement or consume 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast daily. This vitamin helps control the nervous system and treat skin lesions, being effective in improving the appearance of the skin in psoriasis.
Proper nutrition is also a great way to combat psoriasis. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid greasy, very spicy, processed and industrialized foods, giving preference to the consumption of natural foods, raw organic, cooked or grilled simply.
It is also recommended to invest in the consumption of foods rich in omega 3, such as sardines and salmon, and foods rich in Beta-carotene, which are all yellow-orange in color, and avoid all sources of caffeine such as coffee, tea black, chimarrão, black chocolate and all the peppers.