Poor posture causes back pain because it contributes to weakening of the dorsal muscles that can lead to structural changes affecting the spine, such as herniated disc, scoliosis, hyperkinesis or rectification of the spine, for example. Know other causes of back pain in: Most common causes of back and abdomen pain.
Poor long-term posture can also lead to compromised peripheral nervous system, which leads to tingling and numbness in the arms or legs. In addition to making the abdominal muscles weaker, favoring the anterioration of the abdominal organs, leaving the belly bigger and more flaccid. Learn more details at: Know the main causes and how to relieve back pain.
How to get good posture to avoid back pain
To achieve good posture is recommended:
1. Exercise regularly
The best way to correct posture is through the practice of complete physical exercises such as swimming or water aerobics. These exercises, besides working the respiratory part, promoting a better breathing, strengthen the abdominal and dorsal muscles, favoring good posture. The practice of Pilates and the exercises of Global Posture Reeducation included in physical therapy can also be of great help. See a series of Pilates exercises that improve posture:
2. Wear comfortable clothing
Clothing should be light and of the correct size so that the person can maintain good posture. The shoes should support the feet well and therefore the very high heels are advised against. See: 10 tips to wear high heels without harming the spine.
3. Sit properly
The proper way to sit on the chair is to rest your feet on the floor without crossing your legs, keeping your back flat against the back of the chair. The arms should be well supported on a table, as shown in the following image:
4. Sleep in the correct position
The most suitable sleeping position is on the side, with 1 pillow between the knees to prevent tilting of the pelvis and consequently the rotation of the spine and other pillow should support the neck comfortably. To sleep from belly up one should choose to use a low pillow to support the head and place a high cushion underneath the knees to keep the spine well supported on the mattress.
5. Weighing the right way
When lifting a heavy object, care should be taken to bend the knees when lowering and always keep your back straight as shown in the following image.
It is important for the individual to be aware of his or her posture especially at work, since spending many hours each day in a vicious, seemingly comfortable posture promotes significant changes in muscles and joints, which are becoming more and more painful in the back and possibly changes in the spine. See stretching exercises you can do at work.