The eyelids on the eyelids of rounded or oval shape, slightly raised and yellowish in color are scientifically called eyelash xanthelasma and can indicate high cholesterol. They are formed by small portions of fat and tend to appear around the eyes, but they can also appear in other places of the body like hands, knees and elbows.
Usually these stains do not cause any health problem, but if they cause cosmetic changes a minor surgery can be done to remove the spots. However, since these stains may indicate excess cholesterol, it is advisable to have a blood test to confirm this hypothesis and initiate appropriate treatment.
Who can have xanthelasma
This type of blemishes is very rare, but when it does, it usually affects people over 40 years of age with high bad cholesterol levels in the blood and good low cholesterol.
In addition to cholesterol, xanthelasma may also be related to liver problems, especially biliary cirrhosis, as the disease can cause a sudden rise in cholesterol levels.
Treatment for xanthelasma
The stains caused by xanthelasma do not disappear over time and therefore treatment is necessary if they affect the esthetics of the face. Thus, the main treatments used are:
- Use of medications such as dichloroacetic acid or trichloroacetic acid;
- Normal surgical removal with laser or cryotherapy;
- Electrocoagulation with electric needle
These treatments usually have good results, but it is very important to consult a dermatologist to know which treatment is most suitable for each type of skin, in order to avoid side effects such as scars, changes in skin color or burns, for example.
If staining is caused by high cholesterol, you should also consult a general practitioner and a nutritionist to begin treatment to lower levels and avoid other more serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack or heart failure.
Here are some simple tips to get you started to lower your cholesterol:
- How To Lower Cholesterol
Eggplant juice for cholesterol