Cold sores cause blisters or sores in the mouth, which usually appear slightly below the lip, and which cause itching and pain in the region where it arises.
Cold sores are a highly contagious disease that is caught by direct contact with blisters or sores with liquid, as it may happen during a kiss, or by the use of objects used by another person who has herpes such as a glass, cutlery or towel by example.
Symptoms of Herpes in the Mouth
The main symptoms of herpes in the mouth are:
- Sore on the lip;
- Sensitive blisters;
- Pain in the mouth;
- Itching and redness in one corner of the lip.
In addition, it is possible to recognize that you will have an episode of herpes before the blisters appear, because there are symptoms that precede the rash on the skin such as tingling, itching, redness and discomfort in a region of the lips.
When and Why Herpes Mouth Appears
After the herpes virus enters the body, it can remain inactive for months or even years, causing no symptoms, until the day that the first itch and pain of the lip appear. However, it is not yet known why the herpes virus manifests itself or not, because it depends on person to person.
After the first episode of herpes, there are however some factors that can boost its appearance as:
- Weak or low immune system, as it happens during flu for example;
- Stress;
- Diseases of the immune system such as HIV or lupus;
- During treatment with antibiotics;
- Excessive exposure to the sun.
These are some factors that can lead to the onset of an episode of herpes, but this always depends on person to person.
How to cure herpes in the mouth
Treatment of cold sores can be done using antiviral medicines like Aciclovir or Valaciclovir, which can be used in ointments or pills, which help decrease virus replication in the body and heal blisters and wounds.
Treatment for approximately 10 days, the time that blisters or wounds can lead to healing.
Check out a homemade treatment for herpes in the mouth with teas and ointments that can be prepared at home.
What to do not to get Herpes in the mouth
To avoid catching herpes in the mouth, it is important to avoid:
- Kissing strangers or people with sores in the corner of the mouth;
- Using other people's objects such as cutlery, glasses or towels;
- Lending lipstick;
- Eat or taste other people's food such as popsicle, lollipop or ice cream for example.
- Use soap from public spaces or from someone infected with the virus.
These are just a few rules to follow to avoid getting cold sores, and it is most important to prevent contact with everything you do not know by who was used or who may have been in contact with the mouth or hands of someone infected with the virus. although this does not get through the touch, a hand pass in bubbles with liquid may be enough to carry and then transmit the virus.