This example of home treatment for cellulite should be done 3 times a week and can be useful to eliminate cellulite of grades 1 and 2, but also helps in fighting cellulites of grades 3 and 4 which are more evident and deep.
However, to improve the result is advised to take green tea and eat healthy, avoiding all industrialized, giving preference to raw food, to detoxify the body and decrease fluid retention.
This homemade treatment against cellulite consists of 3 simple steps that can be done during the bath:
Step 1: Exfoliate the skin
Doing a skin scrub is the first step to treating cellulite, as it removes dead skin cells and renews it, preparing for the next steps.
To exfoliate, simply apply an exfoliating cream or do a homemade exfoliation, through circular movements, washing the following skin. Here's a homemade scrub recipe.
Step 2: Use anti-cellulite cream
The second step includes the application of an anti-cellulite cream. After removing the dead skin cells with exfoliation, the anti-cellulite cream will be better absorbed by the skin.
A good example of cellulite cream is Clarins' Hight Definition Body Lift Cellulite Control anti-cellulite cream, which can be found in cosmetics stores like Sephora, for example, as well as Nivea Goodbye Cellulite. See more examples in: Cellulite Creams.
Step 3: Massage
Massage is the third and final step of this home treatment for cellulite and can be done with Beurer's cellulite massager, for example. Simply apply the massager in the region of the body with cellulite, changing it to position to completely cover the region.
The massage will stimulate the blood circulation of the region, promoting absorption of the cream and elimination of cellulite but should not be longer than 15 minutes. Further details at: Massage against cellulite.
How To Stop Cellulite
To end cellulite, in addition to this home treatment, it is important to follow some recommendations such as:
- Take teas with a diuretic effect to help eliminate excess fluids that can cause cellulite;
- Take the tea of cashew nuts, as it has anti-inflammatory and vasoactive properties, placing 1 teaspoon of dried leaves of horse chestnut in 1 cup of boiling water, letting it rest for about 10 minutes and straining Next;
- Instead of taking cloves of tea, take 250 to 300 mg of the dried chestnut extract 1 or 2 times a day with meals, as it contains a higher concentration of escin, the substance that is effective in combat to cellulite;
- Invest in a healthy diet, avoiding the consumption of processed, sweet, salted, fried foods or containing fat or sugar in its composition;
- Drink plenty of water, about 2 to 3 liters per day;
- Practice physical exercises such as running, step, jump, treadmill, rhythmic gymnastics, soccer and hydrotherapy, for example, at least 3 times a week and lasting approximately 1 hour.
This healthy lifestyle should be adopted throughout life, to help combat cellulite and to prevent its resurgence.
See these and other tips in the following video:
See also the best options of aesthetic treatments in: Aesthetic treatments for cellulite.