Dexamethasone topical (Dexametmil)

Editor'S Choice
Mouth to mouth ressuscitation
Mouth to mouth ressuscitation
Dexadermil is an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic cream used to relieve itching in cases of dermatitis or allergy, whose active substance is dexamethasone. Dexadermil is produced by the Legrand laboratory and can be purchased from pharmacies. Dexadermil Indications Dexadermil is indicated for the treatment of dermatitis, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis or allergic eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, actinic dermatitis, eczema, food eczema, childhood eczema, miliary, impetigo, sunburn, insect bites, itching in the genital area or anal and otitis externa, without perforation o