A great natural remedy for arthritis is to take 1 cup of eggplant juice with orange daily as early as morning, and also apply a warm compress with the herb tea.
Eggplant juice with orange has a diuretic and remineralizing action that helps to disinfect the joints and eliminate excess uric acid, facilitating their movement, while St. John's wort contains substance with excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties and anti-rheumatic drugs that help decrease joint swelling and increase well-being.
Eggplant and orange juice for arthritis
- ½ raw eggplant
- Juice of 1 orange
- 250 ml of water
Method of preparation
Beat all the ingredients in the blender, strain and take fasted, staying fast for another 30 minutes so that the body can absorb all the nutrients of the juice faster.
Bath with St. John's wort tea for arthritis
- 20 g of leaves of St. John's wort
- 2 liters of water
Method of preparation
Add the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil for about 10 minutes. Then let stand 5 minutes, strain and make a bath with warm tea on the joints. The warm compress should remain on the joint for 15 minutes.
This home treatment helps to treat arthritis but does not replace the treatments indicated by the doctor.
See other natural ways to supplement the treatment of arthritis:
- 3 Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cabbage juice for arthritis
3 Fruit juices to combat rheumatoid arthritis