A good home remedy to strengthen the heart, preventing and treating heart disease is lemon peel tea, as it is rich in essential oil, d-limonene, pinenos and gamma-terpinene, which have antioxidant action, being able to avoid the deposition of LDL cholesterol, known as bad cholesterol, in the blood vessels, which can cause arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems.
However, to avoid such serious illnesses, in addition to this tea, it is also important to eat a balanced diet and low fat, as well as practice physical exercise at least 3 times a week.
- Peel of 1 lemon
- 1 cup water
Method of preparation
Put the lemon peel in a pan along with the water and boil for 5 minutes. Then cover and cool. Coe, sweet to taste with honey and drink next. Drink 2 cups of this tea a day to take full advantage of its benefits, but be aware, this home remedy, despite being a great therapeutic complement, does not exclude the need for ingestion of the medications prescribed by the cardiologist, nor a balanced diet and regular practice of physical exercises.