The symptoms of a live water burn are strong pain and burning sensation on the spot. If this pain is very intense, you should go to the nearest emergency room.
However, not all cases require medical attention. Most people who have these burns, if treated correctly, may not need to go to the hospital.
1. Remove the tentacles
The tentacles of living water should be removed using forceps or popsicle stick, for example, and seawater itself, because fresh water can stimulate existing tentacles to release more venom.
2. Apply vinegar
Applying vinegar directly on the spot hit for 30 seconds, helps neutralize the venom from living water. In no case should urine or alcohol be applied in the region as they may aggravate the irritation.
3. Place the place in hot water
Placing the affected region in hot water for about 20 minutes helps to relieve pain and inflammation.
4. Apply cold water compresses
After taking the above measures, if pain and discomfort remain, cold water packs may be applied to the burned area.
Pain and discomfort usually improve after 20 minutes, however, it may take up to 1 day for the pain to completely disappear. During this time it is recommended to take analgesics or anti-inflammatories, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
If the pain lasts more than 1 day or other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps, difficulty breathing or a sore throat, it is recommended to go to the hospital immediately to evaluate the need for treatment with antidote or antibiotics, for example.
How to Take Care of Burn
Most important in the days after the burning of living water is to apply cold compresses in the region to relieve pain and inflammation, but if minor skin wounds appear, the area should be washed 2 to 3 times a day with water and neutral pH soap, covering with a bandage or sterile dressings. See also home remedies that can help treat burn.
If the wounds are slow to heal, it may be necessary to consult a general practitioner or dermatologist to start using an antibiotic ointment, such as Nebacetin, Esperson or Dermazine, for example.