Pancreatin is a medicine known commercially as Creon.
This oral medication is a pancreatic enzyme indicated for cases of pancreatic insufficiency and cystic fibrosis, as it helps the body to absorb better nutrients and prevents the lack of vitamins and the appearance of other diseases.
Pancreatic insufficiency; cystic fibrosis; gastrectomy.
The box of 150 mg of Pancreatin costs approximately 49 reais and the carton of 300 mg of the medicine costs approximately 98 reais.
Mode of Use
The capsules should be taken whole, with the aid of liquid; do not knead or chew the capsules.
Children under 4 years of age
- Administer 1, 000 U of Pancreatin per kg of body weight per meal.
Children over 4 years of age
- At 500 U of Pancreatin per kg of body weight per meal.
Other disorders of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- The doses should be adapted according to the degree of malabsorption and fat content of the meals. It usually ranges from 20, 000 U to 50, 000 U of pancreatin per meal.
Side effects
Pancreatin may cause colic, diarrhea; nausea or vomiting.
Contraindications of Pancreatin
Pancreatin is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, and also in case of allergy to porcine protein or pancreatin; acute pancreatitis; chronic pancreatic disease; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.