Cytotec is an anti-acid and anti-ulcer remedy that contains misoprostol, a substance that prevents the production of gastric acid by protecting the stomach wall, especially in cases of gastritis or ulcers.
This remedy was approved by the FDA in the 80's for the treatment of stomach problems, however, because it also causes uterine contraction, began to be used only in qualified hospitals, to cause abortion during the first trimester of gestation.
Price and where to buy
Cytotec can not be purchased in conventional pharmacies and is only available in hospitals and clinics to induce labor or induce abortion in specific cases of women who have been sexually assaulted, are having a high-risk pregnancy or whose fetus is developing without brain, for example.
What is it for
Initially this medication was intended to treat and prevent gastric ulcers, gastritis, ulcer healing in the duodenum and erosive gastroenteritis and ulcerous peptic disease.
However, in Brazil, Cytotec is only found in hospitals to be used as a birth facilitator, in case of a lifeless fetus or for induction of labor, when this is necessary. See some indications of labor induction by clicking here.
How to take
For induction of labor, a 25 or 50mg tablet should be inserted into the vagina, consisting of 1/4 or 1/8 of the tablet in the package. Larger doses can cause uterine atony, one of the causes of postpartum haemorrhage, and therefore are not indicated. It may be necessary to take the medicine every 6 to 8 hours as directed.
Misoprostol is a compound that increases uterine contractions, so it should not be used during pregnancy outside the hospital setting. You should never take this medicine without a medical recommendation, especially in cases of suspected pregnancy because it can be dangerous for the woman and the baby.
Possible side effects
Some of the most common side effects of this medication include diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, headache, heartburn, vaginal bleeding, menstrual disorders, motion sickness, bloating, constriction, fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, urinary retention, anxiety, thirst, amnesia, dizziness, lack of coordination, blurred vision, anemia, difficulty in coagulation and dehydration.
Who should not take
This medicine should only be used with indication of the obstetrician in a hospital setting and should not be used by people who are allergic to prostaglandins.