To increase the chances of getting pregnant, sexual intercourse should happen 3 times a week, ie, every other day, during a woman's fertile period. This is because semen quality is best when there are two to three day intervals between intimate contact.
Following this tip, you are guaranteed at least 3 intercourse during the woman's fertile period, increasing the chances of getting pregnant and a good quality sperm find with the mature ovum.
Other tips to increase the chances of getting pregnant are:
- Treat any disease of the reproductive system;
- Do not wash the vagina after intimate contact;
- Consume foods rich in vitamin E daily;
- Know how to calculate the fertile period and identify the signs of the fertile period;
- Avoid consumption of industrialized;
- Avoid taking medicines without medical advice;
- Prefer organic foods because they have fewer pesticides.
If the couple is unable to conceive naturally after at least 1 year of treatment, a medical consultation is advised.
Useful links:
- Is it possible to get pregnant by taking birth control?
Curing after curettage