To relieve back pain during pregnancy, a pregnant woman may lie on her back with her legs bent and her arms stretched along the body, keeping the entire spine well on the floor or on a firm mattress. This position accommodates the vertebrae well, removing the weight of the back, thus relieving the back pain in a few minutes.
Back pain is a common situation that happens practically with all women during pregnancy, however, back pain may represent a more serious situation, when the pain is very intense, does not improve with rest or when there is a sensation of tingling in the buttocks or legs. In this case it is very important to talk to the doctor and perform tests that can help identify the cause of the pain, so that you can start the most appropriate treatment.
6 Strategies to Fight Back Pain in Pregnancy
The best strategies to eliminate low back pain during pregnancy are:
- Wear hot compress : take a hot bath, directing the water jet from the shower to the region where it hurts or apply a hot water bag on the back. Also, for warm compresses with basil or eucalyptus essential oil over the affected region, for 15 minutes 3 to 4 times a day may also help;
- Use cushions between your legs to sleep on your side, or under your knees when sleeping upside down.
- Massage : back and leg massage can be done with sweet almond oil 2 to 3 times a day by the partner or physiotherapist to relieve pressure on the muscles. See the benefits and contraindications of massage in pregnancy.
- Do stretching: Lie on your stomach with your legs bent, holding only one leg at a time, placing your hands behind your thighs. With this movement the lumbar spine is rectified bringing immediate relief from back pain. This elongation should be maintained for at least 1 minute at a time, controlling breathing well.
- Physiotherapy: There are different techniques that can be used, such as tape kinesio tape, spinal manipulation, pompage and others;
- Using medicines: In some cases, it may be necessary to pass an anti-inflammatory ointment such as Cataflan, and in such cases, the medium should be consulted before use. Taking oral medicines like Dipyrone and Paracetamol is a possibility for times of greater pain, but it is not recommended to take more than 1g per day for more than 5 days. If this is necessary, the doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.
Here's how to make a hot compress to relieve back pain:
Is it normal to have back pain early in pregnancy?
It is very common for pregnant women to begin to experience back pain early in pregnancy due to the increase in progesterone in the bloodstream, which causes the ligaments of the spine and sacrum to become looser, which promotes pain, which may be in the mid back or at the end of the spine.
The presence of back pain before becoming pregnant also increases the chances that the woman will suffer with this symptom during pregnancy, as early as the first trimester, and in some women the pain gradually increases with the advancement of gestation.
How to prevent back pain during pregnancy
To avoid back pain in pregnancy it is important to be within the ideal weight before becoming pregnant. In addition it is important:
- Do not gain more weight than recommended by your doctor;
- Use a support brace for pregnant women when the belly begins to weigh;
- Do stretching exercises for the legs and back every day in the morning and evening. Learn how to do: Stretching exercises in pregnancy;
- Doing exercise to keep muscles and joints strong, such as Pilates or swimming;
- Always keep your back straight, seated and when you walk.
- Avoid lifting weights, but if you have to do this, hold the object close to your body, bending your knees and keeping your back straight;
- Avoid wearing high heels and sandals, preferring shoes that are 3 cm high, comfortable and firm.
Basically the back pain in pregnancy happens because the lumbar region accentuates its curvature with the frontal uterine growth, which in turn, changes the position of the sacrum, which becomes more horizontal, in relation to the pelvis. Similarly, the thoracic region also has to adapt to the growth of the breasts volume and the modifications of the lumbar region, and reacts to these alterations, increasing the kyphosis dorsal. The result of these changes is back pain.
What can cause back pain in pregnancy
Back pain in pregnancy is usually caused by muscle and ligament changes. This pain almost always worsens when the mother is standing or sitting for a long time, when she picks something up from the floor improperly, or has very exhausting activities that cause a lot of tiredness.
Some situations that can aggravate this symptom are the domestic or professional activities, repetitive effort, having to spend many hours standing or many hours sitting. The younger the pregnant woman, the greater her chances of developing back pain from the beginning of pregnancy.
Another cause of back pain in pregnancy is sciatic pain, which is very strong, which seems to 'pin one leg', making it difficult to walk and remain seated. In addition, at the end of pregnancy, after 37 weeks of gestation, uterine contractions may also manifest as back pain that arise rhythmically and only relieve after the baby's birth. Here's how to identify the contractions to know the right time to go to the hospital.
Although it is rare, back pain that does not relieve with rest, and that remains constant during the day and night may indicate something more serious and so this is a symptom that should not be ignored.
When to go to the doctor
Back pain in pregnancy is not always dangerous, but the pregnant woman should go to the doctor if her back pain remains after all forms of relief or when it is so intense that it prevents her from sleeping or performing her daily activities. In addition, the doctor should be consulted when the back pain arises suddenly or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea or shortness of breath.
Lumbar pain in pregnancy should not be ignored because it causes harm to health, and impairs sleep, the disposition for everyday life, decreases performance in work, social life, domestic activities and leisure, and still can cause financial problems due to the work's remoteness.