Psychological pregnancy, also called pseudociese, is an emotional problem that occurs when symptoms of pregnancy are present but there is no developing fetus in the woman's uterus, which can be confirmed in pregnancy and ultrasound tests.
This problem mainly affects women who wish to become very pregnant or those who have a great fear of becoming pregnant, as it happens during adolescence, for example. In addition, psychological pregnancy is also common in domestic animals, being very common in neutered dogs or having lost their young.
Symptoms of psychological pregnancy
The symptoms of psychological pregnancy are the same as a normal pregnancy, although there is no baby being formed, such as:
- Numbness;
- Somnolence;
- Food desires;
- Absence or delay of menstruation;
- Growth of the belly and breasts;
- Sensation of feeling the fetus move;
- Production of breast milk.
These symptoms are due to psychological stimuli that generate an increase in the production of pregnancy hormones, such as prolactin, which results in the same symptoms as a true pregnancy. See the first 10 symptoms of pregnancy that also appear in psychological pregnancy.
Does psychological pregnancy test positive for pregnancy?
If the woman has a psychological pregnancy the pregnancy tests, both the urine test and the blood test Beta HCG, will always give negative result, which can also be confirmed by the ultrasound, which will show that there is no developing fetus in the womb in the woman.
However, sometimes the results of the tests are not enough to convince the woman that there is no real pregnancy, and in these cases psychological counseling is necessary to treat the problem.
Find out the best days to take the pharmacy pregnancy test.
Main causes of psychological pregnancy
The most frequent causes of psychological pregnancy are:
- Intense desire to become pregnant and difficulty getting pregnant;
- Great fear of getting pregnant;
- Depression and low self-esteem;
- Post hysterectomy period;
- Intense desire to have a mate or to hold the boyfriend.
In addition, marital problems, which make a woman believe that pregnancy can save the marriage.
Psychological pregnancy also affects men
Although it is more frequent in women, psychological pregnancy can also occur in males, usually as a result of intense attachment to the partner's pregnancy. In that case this change is called couvade syndrome, learn more about it here.
If you are trying to get pregnant, but you can not, see:
- What to do to get pregnant faster
- Find Out Which Remedies to Get Pregnant
How to deal with psychological pregnancy
The treatment for psychological pregnancy can be done with the use of hormonal medications to regularize menstruation and to stop the production of breast milk, but it is also essential the accompaniment of a psychologist or psychiatrist to eliminate the causes that led to the development of this problem.
Thus, some of the medicines that may be indicated by the doctor may be the contraceptive pill to regulate menstruation and Dostinex to stop the production of breast milk. In addition, Amitriptyline may also be recommended for mood management and treatment of depression if appropriate. Here are some tips to help deal with and overcome psychological pregnancy by clicking here.
The duration of treatment depends on the understanding and collaboration of the woman and the family, but it can take months for the problem to be completely overcome. It is important to remember that an essential part of the treatment is the support of friends and family, which help create a safe environment in which the woman feels loved even without having a baby. Psychology sessions can also be helpful in helping you cope with this situation.