Anforicin B

Editor'S Choice
What is stool transplantation and how it is done
What is stool transplantation and how it is done
Anforincin B is an antifungal medicine active against amphotericin B. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of leishmaniasis, aspergillosis and blastomycosis, since its action alters the permeability of the cell wall of the fungus, reducing the symptoms of the infection. Indications of Anforicin B (For what it is) Cutaneous-mucosal leishmaniasis; cryptococcal meningitis; aspergillosis; blastomycosis; disseminated candidiasis; coccydiomycosis; cryptococcosis; fungus endocartitis; histoplasmosis; mucormycosis; disseminated sporotrichosis; septicemia by fungi; urinary tract infection