The microneedle is an aesthetic treatment that serves to remove acne scars, disguise spots, other scars, wrinkles or lines of expression of the skin, through a natural stimulation made with micro-needles that penetrate the dermis favoring the formation of new collagen fibers, which give firmness and support to the skin.
This treatment can be performed in two ways, using a hand-held device called Dermaroller or an automatic device called DermaPen.
Although this treatment may cause some pain and discomfort, because the larger the needle, the greater the pain, it provides results from the first session and usually compensates for 'suffering' because the skin is all uniform without the depressions caused by the scars. acne, for example.
How to do microneedle at home
This treatment should preferably be performed by the dermatologist, specialist physiotherapist or beautician, because although it is a safe procedure, there is always the risk of skin infections.
However, it is also possible to do the treatment at home, but in this case it is necessary to take good care of the skin before and after the microneedle so that the skin does not infect and heal well. To use at home the roller must have needles with a maximum of 0.5 mm and it is important to follow the following steps:
- Thoroughly wash the area of the skin that will treat, washing with soap and clean water and then alcohol to disinfect the skin;
- Apply a thin layer of xylocaine anesthetic ointment and leave to act for 15 minutes;
- Pass the roller in small regions that will be treated, horizontally, vertically and diagonally, 5 times over each region. In the face, it can start at the forehead, then at the chin and lastly, because it is more sensitive, pass on the cheeks;
- Once you have passed the roller on all sides, you should wipe your face again with cotton and water;
- The following should be applied a good healing cream to aid in the regeneration of all treated skin.
Finally, the roller should be immersed in alcohol at 70º for 2 minutes to disinfect. If desired you can dry it with a piece of paper towel, from the kitchen, for example and store in a dry place.
It is normal for the skin to turn red after using the roller, but when washing the face with cold water or hot water, and applying the vitamin A rich healing lotion, the skin becomes less irritated.
During the treatment it is essential to use sunscreen every day so as not to stain the skin and always keep the skin clean and moisturized.
What is Micro-needling?
The aesthetic treatment with Dermaroller, which stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin of the skin, can be indicated:
- Completely eliminate scars caused by acne or minor wounds. Learn about other treatments to disguise scars in How to Take a Scar.
- Decrease the enlarged pores of the face;
- Fight wrinkles and promote skin rejuvenation. See also how to give luminosity and firmness to the skin using Mesotherapy in Mesotherapy on face eliminates Wrinkles and Flaccidity.
- Disguise wrinkles and lines of expression, especially those around the eyes or just above the upper lip;
- Lighten blemishes on the skin. See other ways to remove face stains by clicking here;
- Remove stretch marks. Learn how to get rid of red and white stretch marks by definitely using the dermaroller for stretch marks.
In addition, the dermatologist may also indicate the dermaroller to assist in the treatment of alopecia, a disease characterized by rapid and sudden loss of hair from the scalp or other region of the body.
Essential care for using dermaroller at home
See the video below for all the care you should have and how to use dermaroller at home:
How Micro-Relief Works
The needles penetrate the skin causing micro-injury and redness, naturally stimulating the regeneration of the skin, with the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
It is best to start treatment with smaller needles, about 0.3 mm, and if necessary, may increase the needle size to 0.5 mm, especially when the treatment is performed on the face.
If you want to remove red streaks, old scars or very deep acne scars, treatment should be done by a professional who should use a larger needle, having up to 3 mm. With a needle above 0.5 mm the treatment can be done by the physiotherapist and by the beautician, but with needles of 3 mm the treatment can only be done with the dermatologist.
When Should I Not Get Dermaroller Treatment
Micro-agglutination is contraindicated in the following situations:
- Very active acne with pimples and blackheads present;
- Cold sore infection;
- If you are taking anticoagulant medicines such as heparin or aspirin;
- If you have a history of allergies to local anesthetic ointments;
- In case of uncontrolled Diabetes mellitus;
- Is having radiation therapy or chemotherapy;
- If you have any autoimmune disease;
- Skin cancer.
In these situations should not perform this type of treatment without first consulting the dermatologist.
Where to buy
The dermaroller can be purchased over the internet and costs around 100 reais.