Gracial is a contraceptive with the active substances Desosgestrel and Ethinylestradiol.
This medication when used correctly decreases the chances of getting pregnant and helps prevent skin problems such as acne. It should be noted that despite its effectiveness Gracial as well as other contraceptives does not protect the body against STIs.
Indications of Gracial
Oral contraceptive.
Gracial side effects
Vaginal infections; bleeding between menses; pain and enlargement of the breasts; nausea; vomiting; jaundice; thrombosis; increased blood pressure; erythema nodosum; Headache; migraine; changes in mood; change in body weight; fluid retention; reduction in glucose tolerance; abdominal pain; decreased sexual desire; diarrhea.
Contraindications of Gracial
Pregnancy; history of high blood pressure; liver disorders; vaginal bleeding of unknown origin; heart problems.
How to use Gracial
Adult use
- Start using the medication on the first day of menstruation. One tablet should be taken daily, always at the same time for 22 days, after that period take a 6 day break. The following Gracial cards must be started after this pause.