Condyloma is a wart-like skin lesion that appears in the intimate region of men or women, and may develop near the penis, vagina, or anus.
This type of lesion is usually associated with infection by the HPV virus, being called condyloma acuminata, but may also arise in cases of secondary syphilis, known as flat condyloma.
The treatment of condyloma must always be guided by a dermatologist, as it varies according to its type.
How is the treatment done?
In both cases, condylomata acuminata or flat, the cause must be identified correctly by the physician for treatment to be adequate.
1. Condylomata acuminata
The treatment for condyloma acuminata usually is done with the application of ointments with chemical substances, such as:
- 70-90% trichloroacetic acid;
- 15% Podofilin;
- 5-fluorouracil.
This type of treatment can take between several months to several years to cause the complete disappearance of the warts, however, the treatment can also be done with surgery to eliminate the condyloma immediately.
Learn more about how the treatment of this type of skin lesion is done.
However, because condyloma acuminata is caused by a viral infection, genital warts may continue to recur until the body is able to eliminate the HPV virus, and it is necessary to return to the treatment.
In addition to the treatment, doctors advise that all partners who have HPV warts should be examined and treated if they are diagnosed with the disease, even if the disease has not yet generated symptoms.
2. Flat Condyloma
In the case of flat condyloma, also known as condylomata, the treatment is done with antibiotics to eliminate the bacterium responsible for syphilis and that leads to the appearance of this type of lesions in the skin.
When treatment is not done, condyloma may disappear, but it will recur again and may even increase in size and be accompanied by more severe symptoms, such as loss of appetite or anemia, which characterize tertiary syphilis, which is the most advanced form of disease.
See how syphilis treatment is done.