Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand emotions and to act appropriately to other people's attitudes, whether it is related to other people's sense of humor, ideas, thoughts, or other attitudes.
An individual with developed interpersonal intelligence tends to be positive, helpful, humble, self-effacing, easy to interact with, and has the natural talent to lead.
Interpersonal intelligence has many benefits, but one of the main ones is the creation of empathy, which enables a good performance in the work environment, because people with this kind of skill developed have a greater ability to identify the qualities of people and extract the best organizing teamwork and increasing productivity in the workplace.
Interpersonal intelligence can be developed through activities that enable contact with other people, such as dance, theater, study group, group therapy and music therapy. These activities increase the individual's self-confidence, making him learn to respect and deal with differences, making interaction easier with others.