Massage is a great all-natural way of relieving menstrual cramps as it helps to reduce the abdominal spasms characteristic of that period. The massage can be done by the woman and lasts a few minutes, and can be done several times during the day, during the interval between classes or during work, for example.
Although the ideal is to use a heated oil, massage can also be done using some type of moisturizer, however, to get a better result, you should rub the cream a little on the hands to warm up a bit.
In addition to this massage, check out some home remedies that you can take to relieve this type of colic.
Step-by-step to do the massage
To start the massage, open the clothing, leaving the belly skin exposed and rub a little of the oil or cream in the palm of the hands, until it warms up.
Preferably this massage should be performed lying down, but if it is not possible, one can do the massage by lying comfortably on a chair. Then you should:
1. Spray oil on skin
You should rub the oil or cream lightly on the belly region, being careful not to apply too much force, avoiding to lead to worsening of the pain.
2. Make small circular movements
The massage should be started with small circular movements, to activate the circulation in the belly. As you can, gradually increase the pressure until you find a moment when the pressure is slight but does not cause much discomfort.
3. Do movements around the navel
After having slightly warmed the tissues of the belly one should make circular movements around the navel as shown in the image:
4. Move from top to bottom
After doing the previous step for about 1 to 2 minutes, one should move from the top of the belly button down, pushing slowly, for another 1 to 2 minutes:
Reflexology to relieve menstrual cramps
Another way to relieve menstrual cramps is to resort to reflexology, which is a type of massage in certain points of the feet. For this, it is enough to make small circular movements with the thumb in the following points of the foot:
To relieve menstrual cramps it is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid caffeinated foods such as coffee and chocolate until menstrual cramps have been controlled.
Taking a Buscopan tablet also helps to fight colic, but this should only be done with medical knowledge, because when the woman suffers from severe colic, the gynecologist should observe, since in some cases the woman may have endometriosis. Learn more about how to identify endometriosis.