The practice of bodybuilding is seen by many only as a way to increase muscle mass, however this type of physical activity has numerous benefits, and is even able to combat depression, for example. In addition, bodybuilding improves cardiorespiratory fitness, increases bone density and ensures more physical disposition. Check out some tips for gaining muscle mass.
For maximum benefits, it is important that bodybuilding is practiced regularly and accompanied by adequate nutrition. Also, it is important to sleep well, drink plenty of water and give some time for the body to rest.
The experts guarantee that, regarding the bodybuilding, it is not necessary to exaggerate, the ideal is that it has some continuity. Going to the gym every day for 1 week, training more than 1 hour, and not training the following week, does not generate as many good results as training 3 times a week, 1 hour at a time, every week for example.
The main benefits of bodybuilding are:
1. Improves body posture
The practice of bodybuilding strengthens the muscles that support the spine, improving posture and decreasing back pain for example.
2. Decreases the amount of fat
When bodybuilding is practiced regularly, intense and accompanied by a healthy diet, the body starts to burn more fat and increase muscle mass, accelerating metabolism and favoring caloric expenditure even when standing.
Fat loss, in addition to promoting aesthetic benefits and boosting self-esteem, prevents a number of diseases, such as obesity and atherosclerosis, for example.
3. Tone the muscles
Toning the muscles is one of the visible "consequences" of bodybuilding practice. The tonification happens due to the loss of fat, increase of muscle mass and strengthening of the musculature which besides representing gain of strength, allows the disappearance of the cellulites, for example.
However, in order for the muscles to become harder, you need to have proper hydration and balanced nutrition. See what to eat to gain lean mass.
4. Combat emotional problems
By promoting the release of endorphin, which is the hormone responsible for the feeling of well-being, bodybuilding can be a great alternative for relieving stress, lessening anxiety symptoms, and even fighting depression. Learn how to increase the production and release of endorphin.
5. Increases bone density
Bodybuilding increases bone density, ie makes bones more resilient, decreasing the chances of fractures and developing osteoporosis, which is common in older people and women in menopause. However, for the bones to really strengthen, bodybuilding needs to be accompanied by a healthy, balanced diet composed of foods high in calcium and vitamin D. See what foods are rich in vitamin D.
6. Decreases the risk of diabetes
The risk of diabetes can be reduced with bodybuilding because the body uses circulating glucose as a source of energy and sugar in excess in the blood is stored as glycogen, which is used in other metabolic processes, for example.
7. Improves cardiorespiratory fitness
The more intense the bodybuilding, the greater the work of the heart, ensuring greater cardiac and respiratory conditioning. Thus, there is regulation of blood pressure and, consequently, decrease the risks of heart disease, such as atherosclerosis, for example.