The causes of low birth weight newborns, which is born with less than 2, 500 g, are not always clarified, because a healthy mother and who took all the care needed during gestation can also have a small baby for gestational age - PIG . However, some situations that can lead the baby to be born below ideal weight include:
- Smoking;
- Alcoholism;
- Use of drugs;
- Maternal malnutrition;
- Congenital infections;
- Pre eclampsia;
- Placental insufficiency.
Some risk factors for the baby with low birth weight are:
- Weight of the mother before pregnancy less than 50 kg;
- Thrombophilia;
- Severe anemia;
- Maternal hypoxia;
- Restriction of fetal growth in previous gestation;
- Placental abruption;
- Pregnancy of twins;
- Uterine deformities.
The diagnosis of low birth weight in the gestation can be done in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy by observing the baby's weight. There is a suspicion that the baby is not growing enough when the uterine height is lower than expected for the time of pregnancy and when the baby is below the 10th percentile in the third trimester of pregnancy. However, consideration should be given to the size of the placenta and the biotype of the parents.
What to do in case of a baby with low birth weight
What is recommended to do in case of baby with low birth weight is:
- Rest as often as possible, not going to school or work;
- Drink about 3 liters of water per day and
- Eat every 3 hours.
In addition, if the pregnant woman smokes, drinks or consumes drugs, she must abandon these addictions so that the baby can develop normally.
Low birth weight baby complications
Complications related to low birth weight in the gestation can be:
- Shortness of breath at birth;
- Respiratory anguish syndrome;
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Retinopathy of prematurity;
- Infection;
- Hypoglycemia;
- Increased risk of insulin resistance.
After the diagnosis of low birth weight in the pregnancy, parents should be warned about the possibility of preterm delivery. Depending on the baby's growth restriction, it may be necessary to perform preterm delivery and place the baby in the incubator for normal development.
Useful links:
- Pregnancy Tests
- Underweight baby