The laser hair removal in the groin is not definitive, however it can eliminate most of the hair of the region in about 10 sessions of epilation. However, the number of sessions can vary according to each case, and in people with very light skin and dark hair the results appear earlier.
After these 10 initial sessions, it is only necessary to do 2 extra sessions each year to ensure that the hairs disappear completely. Each laser hair removal session will cost approximately R $ 250, for both men and women, however, it may vary according to the selected clinic.
Laser hair removal in the groin hurts, but to lessen the pain and discomfort you can resort to using an anesthetic balm or ointment on the spot, applied about 30 minutes before starting the depilation session.
How is epilation done?
To perform laser hair removal at the groin, the therapist uses a laser or pulsed light device, which emits a wavelength that reaches only where the hair grows, eliminating it.
In this way, the hair of the treated region will have a greater difficulty in reappearing, however, the body can regenerate itself, requiring more than one session to ensure that the hair does not return to be born again.
When the results
Usually about 6 sessions are required so that the groin hairs are almost completely eliminated, but the interval time between sessions increases little by little, so the woman does not have to worry about waxing every month .
Shortly after the first session the hairs fall completely in about 3 days, and then take more than 2 weeks to be born, further away and thinner than before, giving the skin feeling with few hairs.
Care after laser hair removal in the groin
After laser hair removal in the groin it is normal for the area to become reddish and swollen, so some recommended precautions include:
- Wear tight clothing and cotton;
- Pass a moisturizing and soothing ointment on the depilated region, such as slug creams;
- Avoid exposing the depilated area to the sun so as not to stain the skin;
In addition, in the interval between epilations, which are usually 45 days, one should avoid pulling the hair off at the root, using a razor to do the epilation, if this is really necessary to not compromise the success of the treatment.
Check out the best tips for doing razor wax at home and having a soft skin.
How to know the best appliance for each skin type
The most suitable laser devices for permanent hair removal are:
- Diode laser pulsed 800 nm: Good for eliminating the dark in people with fair skin (I-III phototypes)
- 694 nm Rubi Laser : Ideal for dark hairs and light skin (phototypes I-III)
- 755 nm Alexandrite Laser : Ideal for light and dark skin, but can also be used on people with darker skin because it has a longer wavelength, which means that the laser is not absorbed by the melanin of the skin, only the follicle
- Laser Nd-YAG 1064 nm: Ideal for people with dark skin such as mulattos and blacks because their wavelength hinders the absorption of light by melanin skin, and therefore does not cause burns.
- Intense pulsed light 550-1200 nm: Can be used on people with light skin and dark, achieving great results, similar to faser handsets.
However, none of these devices is effective in eliminating white hairs, and are not indicated to eliminate very light brown or blond hairs because they do not have or have a low amount of melanin, which is essential for the performance of the laser and elimination of hair .