Aesthetic treatments, such as radiofrequency, lipocavitation and endermology, can eliminate cellulite, leaving the skin smooth and free of the appearance of 'orange peel' because they can act to eliminate the causes of cellulite.
However, the ideal is to associate feeding, physical exercise and the use of cellulite creams because the cause of cellulite involves many factors. Here's what you can do at home to help: Home treatment for cellulite.
Some examples of aesthetic treatments against cellulite, which must be performed by a dermato-functional specialist physiotherapist, are:
1- Lymphatic drainage
It eliminates the interstitial fluid found outside the cells, decreases the ripples of the skin, eliminates the toxins, improving the appearance of cellulite, thus increasing the patient's self-esteem.
However lymphatic drainage should not be used exclusively because it alone can not eliminate cellulites and therefore must be performed in association with the other treatments mentioned below.
Contraindications: In case of fever, during pregnancy drainage should not be performed on the abdomen and heels, and also in case of cancer, local inflammation, infection, skin lesions, uncontrolled high or low blood pressure, decompensated diabetes, acute eczema.
2- Creams against cellulite
Anti-cellulite creams with Asian spark are the best because they help break down the fat molecule, increase blood and lymphatic circulation, decrease fibrosis and promote the production of collagen fibers that leave the skin firmer.
These creams can also be used during modeling massage, which consists of vigorous and rapid movements that can modify the appearance of the skin. See examples in: Cellulite Creams.
Simply apply the cream every day right after bathing, until it is completely absorbed by the skin.
3- Lipocavitation
It is an ultrasound treatment that penetrates deeply into the body, breaking down the fat molecules. This technique should be performed at least once a week and should be followed by a lymphatic drainage session so that all toxins and excess fluids are actually eliminated. Learn more: Lipocavitation.
After the breakdown of the fat cells, it is eliminated and goes to the liver and leaves for the lymphatic chain and so you have to do exercises 4 hours after the treatment so that the fat is completely eliminated.
Contraindications: In the case of hearing disease, treatment may be difficult due to noise, vascular insufficiency, metal implant at the site to be treated and diseases that affect the bones. In case of high cholesterol, it is mandatory to perform exercises after each session so that the cholesterol in the blood stream does not increase.
4- Radiofrequency
It consists of an equipment that eliminates fat cells, contracts existing collagen and promotes the formation of new collagen cells, leaving the skin firmer and more uniform. This treatment can also be done once a week and a lymphatic drainage session should be performed shortly thereafter, or up to 4 hours later to eliminate all the toxins involved. Here's how it's done: Radiofrequency.
Contraindications: Fever, pregnancy: on the abdomen, cancer, metallic prosthesis in the region to be treated, uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes due to altered sensitivity at the site to be treated.
5- Endermology
The endermology equipment slides on the skin making a suction that takes off the skin of the muscles, reducing their depressions. It reduces the appearance of cellulite and more uniformly redistributes the fat layer, improving the patient's curves, reducing a few centimeters of the treated areas.
Contraindications: In case of changes in blood circulation such as thrombosis, kidney diseases, liver and infections.
It consists of applying several injections under the skin to place carbon dioxide in place, stretching the skin. The carboxiterapia promotes a microcirculation in the tissues affected by cellulite, improving the arrival of nutrients necessary to remodel the region. It also promotes the breakdown of the cell that stores fat, which is closely linked to the cause of cellulite. Learn more: Carboxitherapy.
These aesthetic treatments can be performed once or twice a week, and after each session one should perform moderate physical exercise for at least 1 hour and then a manual or mechanical lymphatic drainage session, also called a pre-therapy, because with this protocol it is possible to eliminate the fat and fluids involved in cellulite as well as improve the appearance of the skin. However it is important to reduce the consumption of fat and sugar so that they do not give rise to new cellulite nodules.
How to evaluate the results
The result of the treatment of cellulite can be observed after at least 3 sessions. After this period, the results can be evaluated by observing the region with the naked eye, through photographs, or in a more reliable way through the thermography used by physiotherapists.
The total number of sessions varies depending on the size of the region affected by cellulite and the degree of cellulite, the greater the degree of cellulite, the longer the treatment time.