Like most allergic diseases, atopic dermatitis also has no cure, but can be controlled with the use of medications to reduce itching and local irritation.
Because it does not have a cure, whenever the individual comes into contact with its causative agent, atopic dermatitis manifests itself. It is therefore essential that the individual identifies the cause of the dermatitis. A good way to find out is to write down everything you did and used the day before the onset of dermatitis. Some causes of atopic dermatitis are: use of antibacterial soaps: excess baths; hot baths; sea baths or swimming pool, associated with the genetic predisposition to have atopic skin.
Treatment for atopic dermatitis
The treatment for atopic dermatitis is to keep the skin properly hydrated, applying good moisturizers and oils after bathing. In addition, one should avoid hot baths and sea baths and / or swimming pool.
The symptoms of dermatitis should disappear progressively from the 2nd day of treatment. If the symptoms worsen or there is no improvement expected within 7 days, it is recommended to use a steroid cream in the most affected areas, but always under the guidance of the dermatologist.
The therapeutic application of UV rays and the use of moist bandages are also some more specific forms of treatment to treat atopic dermatitis.
Here's how feeding can help in: Feeding to improve dermatitis.