Blood transfusion is a safe procedure in which whole blood, or just some of its constituents, is inserted into the patient's body. A transfusion can be done when you have deep anemia, after an accident or in major surgeries, for example.
Although it is possible to have a transfusion of whole blood as when severe bleeding occurs, it is usually more common to transfuse only blood components such as erythrocytes, plasma or platelets for the treatment of anemia or burns, for example. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to make several blood transfusions until the needs of the body are met.
In addition, in the case of scheduled surgeries, it is possible to have an autologous transfusion, which is when blood is taken before the surgical procedure, to be used if necessary during surgery.
When transfusion is required
Blood transfusion can only be done when the blood type between the donor and the patient is compatible and is indicated in cases such as:
- Deep anemia;
- Severe haemorrhage;
- 3rd degree burns;
- Hemophilia;
- After transplantation of bone marrow or other organs.
In addition, blood transfusions are also widely used when severe bleeding occurs during surgery. Learn all about blood types to better understand the concept of blood compatibility.
How is the blood transfusion done?
In order to be able to undergo a blood transfusion it is necessary to draw a blood sample to check the type and values of the blood, to decide if the patient is able to start the transfusion and how much blood will be needed.
The procedure to receive the blood can take up to 3 hours, depending on the amount of blood needed and also on the component that will be transfused. For example, the transfusion of erythrocytes may take longer because it should be done very slowly, and usually the required volume is large, while the plasma, although thicker, is generally needed in smaller quantities and may take less time.
Making a blood transfusion does not hurt and when the transfusion is done outside a surgery, the patient can usually eat, read, talk or listen to music while receiving blood, for example.
What to do when transfusion is not allowed?
In the case of people with beliefs or religions who prevent transfusion, as in the case of Jehovah's Witnesses, autotransfusion can be chosen, especially in the case of scheduled surgeries, in which blood is withdrawn from the person before surgery so that can be used during the procedure.
Possible complications of transfusion
Blood transfusions are very safe, so the risk of getting AIDS or hepatitis is very low. However, in some cases, it can lead to allergic reactions, lung edema, heart failure or changes in blood potassium levels. In this way, all transfusions should be made in the hospital with evaluation by the medical team.
Learn more at: Blood Transfusion Risks.