To improve concentration and memory it is important that, in addition to eating and physical activity, the brain is exercised. Some actions that can be taken to improve brain concentration and performance include:
- Take breaks during the day, as this helps the brain to consolidate and store information, increasing concentration;
- Drink a glass of beet vitamin as it stimulates circulation and metabolism, improving concentration. To make this vitamin, simply put 1/2 beet and 1 peeled orange in the centrifuge and then mix 1/2 teaspoon of flaxseed oil and 1/2 teaspoon of flaked nori-type seaweed;
- Increase consumption of omega 3-rich foods such as chia seeds, nuts or flaxseed, adding in salads, soup or yogurt as these foods help brain function by improving concentration and memory;
- Increase the consumption of foods rich in magnesium, such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, as they improve brain function and iron-rich foods such as pork chops, veal, fish, bread, -bico or lentilha, because they improve the blood circulation, increasing the oxygenation of the brain;
- Avoid hard-to-digest foods at lunch to be more concentrated during the afternoon;
- Always keep a notepad nearby to note down any idea that breaks the thought or task you have to do later to keep the brain focused on what you are doing;
- Practice regular physical activity such as walking, running or swimming to keep blood flowing and the brain full of oxygen and nutrients;
- Listening to instrumental music while working or studying because it facilitates communication among workers, fosters creativity and creates a more relaxed environment for day-to-day activities;
- Make brain-stimulating games : It's essential to train your brain with Sudoku games, doing puzzles, crossword puzzles, or seeing images or photos that are already known upside down;
- Use fewer social networks because these constant stimuli make concentration difficult. This type of electronic equipment should only be used at work and school breaks, for example.
See other examples of foods that stimulate brain function by keeping you young and active in this video: