Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery that consists of removing excess skin, muscle and fat from the eyelids, in addition to positioning the eyelids correctly, in order to remove wrinkles, which lead to a tired and aged appearance.
This surgery can be done on the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid or both, and in some cases botox may be applied along with blepharoplasty to improve aesthetic results or perform a face lift, making the face younger and more beautiful.
The surgery takes between 40 minutes to 1 hour, with no hospitalization necessary and the results can be seen 15 days after surgery, however, the definitive result can only be perceived after 3 months.
Price of eyelid surgery
The blepharoplasty costs between $ 1500 and $ 3000.00, but may vary according to the clinic in which it is done, whether it is done in one or both eyes and the type of anesthesia used, whether it is local or general.
When to do
Blepharoplasty is usually performed for aesthetic purposes and is generally indicated in the case of flaccid eyelids or when there are pockets under the eyes, causing the appearance of tiredness or aging. Most of the time these situations happen in people over 40, but the procedure can also be performed on younger patients when the problem is caused by genetic factors.
How is it done?
Blepharoplasty is a simple procedure, lasting between 40 minutes and 1 hour, and is most often done under local anesthesia through sedation. However, some people prefer that the procedure be performed under general anesthesia.
To perform the surgery, the doctor delimits the place where the surgery will be performed, which can be done on the upper or lower eyelid or both. It then cuts into the demarcated areas and removes excess skin, fat and muscle and sews the skin. Then the doctor applies steri-strips on the suture, which are stitches that stick to the skin and do not cause pain.
The scar generated is simple and thin, being easily hidden in the folds of the skin or under the lashes, not being visible. After the procedure, the person can stay in the hospital for a few hours until the anesthetic effect passes, and then is released home with some recommendations that should be followed.
Possible Complications
After surgery it is normal for the patient to have a swollen face, purple spots and small bruises that usually disappear after 8 days of surgery. Although rare, there may be blurred vision and light sensitivity in the first 2 days. To speed recovery and return to your daily activities faster it is recommended to perform dermatofunctional physical therapy to combat swelling and remove bruising.
Some treatments that may be used are manual lymphatic drainage, massage, stretching exercises for the muscles of the face, and radiofrequency if there is fibrosis. The exercises should be performed facing the mirror so that the person can see their evolution and do it at home, 2 or 3 times a day. Some examples are opening and closing the eyes tightly but without forming wrinkles and opening and closing one eye at a time.
Before and after blepharoplasty
Usually, after the surgery the look becomes healthier, lighter and younger.
Important recommendations
Recovery from surgery takes an average of about two weeks and is recommended:
- Put cool compresses on the eyes to reduce swelling;
- Sleeping on the stomach with a pillow on the neck and trunk, keeping the head higher than the body;
- Wear sunglasses when leaving the house to protect from sunlight;
- Do not use eye makeup;
- Always wear sunscreen so that the scars are not darker.
These care should be kept up to 15 days after the surgery, but the individual should return to the doctor to make a review appointment and remove the stitches.