Radiofrequency is an aesthetic treatment that contracts the existing collagen fibers and stimulates the body to produce new collagen fibers in the region that is treated and is therefore especially indicated to combat flaccidity of face and body in a safe and lasting way .
Some regions specially indicated for facial radiofrequency are around the eyes and mouth, forehead, cheeks of the face, chin and chin that are regions where the skin tends to become more flaccid and appear wrinkles and lines of expression.
How the treatment works
Radiofrequency equipment emits electromagnetic waves that pass through the skin and reach the layer of fat located between the skin and muscle, increasing the local temperature, which increases local blood circulation, oxygenation of tissues and stimulating the formation of collagen, which give firmness and support to the skin.
To supplement this treatment in the fight against sagging is also recommended to consume about 9g of collagen per day. Here's what to eat to achieve this goal, in: Foods rich in collagen.
Who can do it and key benefits
Radiofrequency is indicated for healthy adults with intact skin, no wounds or infections, which need to be eliminated from the first lines of expression that appear around the age of 30, until the deepest wrinkles that do not disappear when stretching the skin, around the age of 40. Thus, the main benefits of this treatment include:
- Combine wrinkles and expression lines around the eyes, forehead, nasolabial groove and fight the fat accumulation located in the lower part of the chin. Read also: Treatments to eliminate double chin;
- Improve the contour of the face, leaving the bony ends more evident and the skin firmer.
Each session lasts about 30 minutes and throughout the treatment it is advisable to remove earrings and metal collars that may be in contact with the skin to protect against burns.
How many sessions do to eliminate wrinkles
The results can be seen days after the first treatment session and are progressive. Even if the person does not notice any difference in the face at the end of the first day of treatment, about 2 or 3 days afterwards, the results can begin to be observed. The skin becomes firmer because the treatment contracts the existing collagen fibers and because the new collagen fibers, which are essential to keep the face firm and young, begin to appear.
A minimum of 3 sessions is usually indicated, which should be done every 15 to 30 days. From there the therapist can observe how the skin reacted and how many sessions should be necessary to eliminate the deepest wrinkles. When the person reaches his goal can be held sessions every 3 or 4 months as a way of maintenance, but in addition daily care with the skin should be maintained, such as use of anti-wrinkle cream and hydrolyzed collagen for best results.
Radiofrequency hazards on the face
The face is one of the areas with the highest risk of burn because the bony ends are closer and therefore the equipment should slide on the skin quickly and with circular movements. The therapist should constantly check the temperature of the skin so that it does not exceed 41º C, as higher temperatures can leave marks of burn.
If a minor accident occurs and the region of the skin burns, the affected area must be treated with ointments against burns and the radiofrequency can only be performed again when the skin is again intact.
Who should not do this treatment
Radiofrequency should not be performed on people who have very firm skin, no wrinkles or lines of expression, because no difference can be noticed, but as long as some facial flaccidity can be observed, with wrinkles or can be realized. But one must take into account certain factors that prevent the treatment from being performed, such as:
- Some alteration of the sensitivity in the face, not differentiating the cold from the heat;
- In case of a metal prosthesis in the bones of the face or metallic obturation in the teeth;
- During gestation;
- Taking medicines for blood circulation;
- If you have any sores or infections on your face;
- In case of fever;
- It should not be performed under the thyroid.
It is not recommended to treat in these situations because there may be a risk of increasing fever, worsening infection, burning, altering thyroid function or not having the expected result.