In most cases the pain in the feet is caused by the use of shoes that do not properly support the feet, dryness of the skin of this region and the appearance of cracks and the permanence of many hours in the same position, which hinders the venous return, favoring the swelling .
However, when the pain in the feet is localized in a certain region, it is constant, very strong and appears as soon as you set foot on the floor when you wake up, it is important to go to the orthopedist for tests to help find the cause of this pain .
See a list of the main causes of foot pain.
1. Do a foot scaling
The first strategy to combat foot pain is to do a scalding feet with warm water, but enough not to burn the skin, leaving your feet soggy for about 20 to 30 minutes. This strategy is great for all day walking, standing for a long time or wearing an uncomfortable shoe or squeezing, relieving enough of the pain in the heel and sole of the foot.
To do this scalp feet should be soaked in a basin or bucket, fully immersed for about 20 minutes and if possible, you can also add a few drops of an essential oil in the water or some leaves of eucalyptus, for example .
2. Lie down with your feet up
Lying on the couch or bed and putting a high cushion under your feet helps improve the return of blood to the heart and therefore improves lymphatic drainage by swelling the feet and relieving pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs.
3. Massage with essential oils
Massage with essential oils, besides being a great way to relieve foot pain at the end of the day, also helps activate specific reflexology points that relieve tension throughout the body, generating a sense of well-being.
See a step-by-step complete with photos on how to do this massage at home.
4. Make a contrast bath
The contrast bath consists of putting your feet in one bucket with hot water and then putting them in another with iced water. This sudden change in temperature helps activate blood circulation and eliminate excess fluid from the legs and feet, which is usually the main cause of the onset of pain.
To make the contrast bath, you should then place your feet in the bucket of hot water for 3 minutes and then move to the bucket with the cold water, leaving for another minute.
5. Move with your feet
When pain in the feet arises closer to the ankle joint, for example, small circular movements can be made by keeping the foot in the air. This exercise helps to relieve weight on the foot, but also allows to warm the joint, helping to alleviate some of the pain.
First, you can start by making movements in the clockwise direction, but then you should switch to the clockwise direction, repeating with one foot at a time.
6. Roll a ball under your foot
Rolling a ping pong ball, tennis shoes or even marbles under the soles of your feet helps to massage and relax the muscles in the soles of the feet. Here's how to do it in the video:
Physical therapy is also very useful for combating foot pain and helps to center the feet and adjust the type of footing, but the treatment must be individualized because there is no secret formula that is indicated for all people and so it is important to pass by an individualized evaluation and start the treatment indicated by the physiotherapist.