Treatment for liver cirrhosis, which is a progressive liver disease resulting from other problems such as excessive alcohol consumption or hepatitis, for example, where slow tissue destruction of the liver occurs, with consequent scar formation, can be done with elimination of the cause, medications, diet or liver transplantation.
Since cirrhosis destroys the liver, hepatic cirrhosis has no cure, unless the individual performs a liver transplant, which should only be done as a treatment for decompensated liver cirrhosis, ie, in cases where the individual already presents complications of disease such as ascites, varicose digestive hemorrhage, hepatic encephalopathy or spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, for example.
Thus, treatment of chronic liver cirrhosis should be performed as soon as possible to slow the progression of the disease and prevent complications that may even lead to the need for liver transplantation. See the recovery of this transplant by clicking here.
Medicinal treatment of cirrhosis
The medicinal treatment of cirrhosis of the liver aims to control some symptoms of cirrhosis such as burning and abdominal swelling resulting from the accumulation of fluid in the body. Diuretic medicines are those used to help eliminate excess fluid.
In the case of hepatic encephalopathy, a complication of cirrhosis in which the brain malfunctions, some laxatives such as Lactulose, Neomycin or Rifaximin may be prescribed to assist in the absorption of toxins and accelerate their elimination through the intestines to improve the functioning of the brain.
Pharmacological treatment for hepatic cirrhosis should only be indicated by the hepatologist, according to the patient's clinical case.
Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended to prevent further liver damage.
Natural treatment of cirrhosis
The natural treatment of liver cirrhosis should not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor, but it can be done with elderberry or yellow uxi tea which due to its detoxifying and depurative properties are an aid in relieving the symptoms.
Diet for cirrhosis
The diet for liver cirrhosis should be indicated by the dietitian and should be low in salt, replacing the salt with other foods such as parsley or lemon, for example, with foods high in fiber and low in protein, especially if the patient has ascites is water in the belly or hepatic encephalopathy.
The nutritional treatment of liver cirrhosis also includes that patient does not consume drugs, drugs, teas that can damage the liver and, especially alcohol that is one of the main causes of liver cirrhosis. Thus, in the treatment for alcoholic liver cirrhosis, alcohol withdrawal is essential. See diet menu and foods for cirrhosis.
Useful links:
- Home remedy for cirrhosis
- Symptoms of liver cirrhosis
- Causes of cirrhosis