The sore throat consists of a small, round, whitish wound in the center, reddish on the outside, which causes pain and discomfort, especially when swallowing or speaking. In addition, in some cases, fever, malaise and enlargement of the neck ganglia may still occur.
Most of the time this type of thrush arises from eating too much acidic foods or is a first sign of a weakened immune system, so it may appear when you have herpes after a cold or flu. When canker sores are very large and take a long time to heal can also indicate more serious problems, such as AIDS or cancer.
See the signs and symptoms of cancer that you should not ignore.
Throat treatment can be done with doctor-directed ointments and the use of some care to avoid consuming acidic foods, for example. Also, gargling warm water and salt can also help relieve discomfort.
Main causes of throat cold sore
The onset of canker sores in the throat may be related to:
- Weakness of the immune system, especially when you have herpes, because the virus can reach the mucosa of the mouth and throat;
- Ingestion of very acidic foods, such as pineapple, tomato or pepper;
- Stomach problems such as reflux;
- Lack of B vitamins, folic acid or minerals like iron can also be other causes of sore throat.
Thus, if the problem arises more than once a month or less than 1 week apart, it is recommended to consult the general practitioner for blood tests and to identify any disease that may be causing the problem, to initiate appropriate treatment and avoid that arise again.
Other situations that may cause small sore throat sores are caseum, tonsillitis and aphthous stomatitis, which is more common in infants.
Drug options for treating cold sore
Treatment for inflamed sore throat may be done with topical corticosteroid and anti-inflammatory ointments such as Omcilon-A or Gingilone or with topical anesthetic ointments such as Xylocaine Ointment 5%, prescribed by the physician, which can be applied with the finger or with the help of a cotton swab.
Other medicines for sore throat that can be used to relieve pain are Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, for example, however, its use should also be doctor-oriented. To treat the sore throat greater than 1 cm in diameter CO2 laser and Nd: YAG can be used to treat recurrent canker sores that arise in the throat, making it difficult to hydrate and feed. The procedure should be done at the medical clinic.
See a more complete list of the major remedies used in canker sores.
What to do to heal faster
To help heal the throat, some care should be taken that includes:
- Rinse mouth with a mouthwash after brushing teeth to help eliminate bacteria and cleanse the area;
- Avoid eating acidic foods like lemon, pineapple, tomato, kiwi and orange, as the acidity increases the pain;
- Increase intake of foods rich in B vitamins, folic acid and iron such as banana, mango, low-fat yogurt or apple juice, as this can be a cause of canker sores;
- Gargle with warm water and salt or with hydrogen peroxide diluted in water, as they are antiseptic, leaving the region clean. To make gargarejos, simply add 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water or 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 10 volumes in 1 glass of water.
- Avoid worsening mouth injuries by avoiding eating hard foods such as toast, peanuts, nuts;
- Use soft toothbrush;
- Avoid oral hygiene products containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
With the treatment and adoption of these measures, the sore throat tends to disappear naturally within a few days.
See what to eat when you have cold sore to speed recovery:
When to go to the doctor
When canker sores are very common occurring more than 6 times a year, its causes should be investigated and therefore it should be noted if there are other symptoms at the same time and go to the doctor. If the doctor has questions about what is causing the canker sore, he may request:
- Complete blood count with HSV count;
- Iron, ferritin and iron uptake, vitamin B12;
- Anti-HIV, viral cultures and biopsy.
However, there is usually no need to request these exams, reserving them reserved for cases of difficult control.