This relaxing self-massage helps to decrease tension in the neck muscles and can even lessen the headache. Perform self-massage by following these steps:
- Sitting on a chair, close your eyes and support the entire spine on the back of the chair and let your arms hang down along your body.
- Breathe deeply 3 times in a row and place your right hand resting on the left shoulder and squeeze the entire area from the nape of the neck to the shoulder trying to relax, as picture 1. Repeat the same procedure on the other side.
- Support both hands at the nape and neck and with the tips of the fingers do a small massage as if you were typing at the nape of the neck, as picture 2 shows, and massage again from the neck to the shoulders.
- Place both hands on the head and with the tips of the fingers gently massage the entire scalp.
This massage should last at least 5 minutes for it to have the expected effect, and can be done at home, at school or at work.
See too:
- Stretches for neck pain
How to Relax Your Neck Muscles