Bioenergetic therapy is a body therapy that uses specific physical exercises and breathing, to decrease or remove any type of emotional blockage (conscious or not) present in the individual.
Bioenergetic therapy activates the energy flow and renews the vital energy of the individual, working not only the physical body but the mind and the emotional.
Breathing is a fundamental component of this therapy, as it is changed according to the situation, breathing is slower in situations of sadness and faster in situations of stress, for example.
What is Bioenergetic Therapy for?
This therapy is indicated for individuals who have any type of emotional blockage, such as phobias, depressions, low self-esteem, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders and for individuals with respiratory, digestive and neurological problems.
Body exercises used
- Pelvis : The corporal exercises performed with the pelvis are directed towards the unlocking of problems related to sexuality.
- Diaphragm : Body exercises with the diaphragm seek greater respiratory control.
- Chest : Exercises are directed to the expression of repressed feelings and emotions.
- Legs and Feet : The body exercises with these members seek to connect the individual with their reality.
- Neck : Body exercises with the neck seek relief from tension and promote relaxation.
Techniques used in Bioenergetic Therapy
In a session of bioenergetic therapy, techniques of massage, reiki, crystals and psychotherapy are used. Each session lasts an average of one hour. Some details are:
1. Bioenergetic massage
It consists of manipulating muscles and other tissues through massages with slips, pressures and vibrations, providing the individual's physical and mental well-being. The benefits include improving muscular, circulatory and nervous systems, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, soothing and relaxing effect, improves mood and increases self-esteem.
The focus of these massages are the energy channels (meridians), where are located the main organs of the body, such as lung, intestines, kidneys and heart. The technique can be accompanied by oils and essences used in aromatherapy and relaxing music, but it is done differently in each individual because it is focused on the point of imbalance of the client, since the purpose of this technique is to provide the individual's internal balance and improve their quality of life.
2. Bioenergetic exercises
They include eight body segments: legs, feet, pelvis, diaphragm, chest, neck, mouth and eyes. Some examples are:
- Basic Vibration Exercise : Stand with feet apart for a distance of 25 cm. Tilt your body forward until your hands reach the floor, your knees may be flexed for exercise to be done more comfortably. Relax your neck and breathe deeply and slowly. Remain in position for 1 minute.
- Stretching Exercise : This exercise includes the stretching movement. If standing upright and with your feet parallel, put your arms up interlacing your fingers, stretch for a few seconds, feeling the hyperextension of the abdomen and then relax. Inhale deeply, and exhale to make a prolonged "a" sound.
- Shaking and punching : In this exercise you should shake the whole body without synchronization or coordination. Begin by shaking hands, arms, shoulders and then the whole body, relaxing to the muscles of the feet and releasing the tensions. You can make punching movements with your arms.
Bioenergetic therapy provides its practitioners with peace of mind, emotional balance and relaxation.