A great way to get soft hands and feet, with fortified nails, is to adopt paraffin hydration. Hydration is done by immersing the hands or feet, one at a time, in a suitable paraffin liquid container, at a temperature of approximately 37 ° C.
It is necessary to dip it in the paraffin alternately, until a glove forms. Next, a plastic is placed and then a damp towel so that the heat is not lost.
The hands and feet should remain in this paraffin glove for at least 20 minutes. To remove it just let it dry on its own, the glove will come off easily and you do not need to wash your hands then. The treatment is finished with a moisturizer.
The technique can be performed as many times as necessary and is only contraindicated in case there is any hand injury or any acute inflammatory disease.
The procedure can be done in salons, beauty clinics and in specialized places.