Taking a warm bath in the baby, with a temperature of 36ºC, is a great way to reduce fever naturally, but put a wet hand towel in cold water on the forehead; in the neck; armpits or baby's groin is also an excellent strategy.
Fever in the baby, which is when the temperature is above 37.5 ° C, which is not always a sign of illness, as it can also be caused by heat, over-clothes, teeth birth or reaction to the vaccine.
The most worrying is when the fever happens due to an infection with viruses, fungi or bacteria, and in this case, the most common is the fever appears fast and high, and not give in with simple measures mentioned above, requiring the use of medications.
Natural Techniques for Lowering Baby Fever
To lower the baby's fever is advised:
- Remove excess baby clothing;
- Offer liquids to the baby, which can be milk or water;
- Give the baby a bath with warm water;
- Put wet towels in cold water on the forehead; nape; armpits and groin.
If temperature does not lower with these tips in about 30 minutes it is recommended to call your pediatrician to find out if you can give medicine to the baby.
Remedies to Lower Baby Fever
Drugs should only be used under the advice of a doctor or pediatrician, and usually antipyretics such as Acetominofen, Dipyrone, Ibuprofen every 4 hours, for example.
When there are signs of inflammation, the doctor may prescribe the combined use of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in intercalated doses, every 4, 6 or 8 hours. The dose varies according to the child's weight, so be aware of the right amount.
The doctor may also prescribe some antibiotics in case of infection caused by certain viruses or bacteria.
Usually it is only advisable to give each dose after 4 hours and if the child has more fever of 37.5ºC, because the lower fever is also a mechanism of defense of the body, in the fight against viruses and bacteria and therefore, not if the fever is lower than that, you should give medicine.
In case of viral infection (virus), the virus gives way after 3 days even with the use of medicines and in case of bacterial infection, the fever only falls after 2 days with antibiotic use.
When to see a doctor immediately
It is recommended to go to the hospital, emergency room or consult your pediatrician when:
- If the baby is less than 3 months old;
- The fever goes from 38 ° C and the temperature rapidly reaches 39.5 ° C, indicating a possibility of bacterial infection;
- There is loss of appetite, there is refusal of the bottle, if the baby sleeps much and when awake, shows signs of intense and unusual irritation, which may indicate a serious infection;
- Skin or patches on the skin;
- Other symptoms arise as the baby is always whimpering or moaning;
- The baby cries a lot or stands for a long time without any apparent reaction;
- If there are signs that the baby is having difficulty breathing;
- If it is not possible to feed the baby for more than 3 meals;
- If there are signs of dehydration;
- The baby becomes very apathetic and can not stand or walk;
- If the baby can not sleep for more than 2 hours, waking up several times during the day or night because he is expected to sleep more due to fever.
If the baby has a seizure and begins to struggle, calm down and lie on his side, protecting his little head, there is no risk of the baby suffocating with his tongue, but one should take pacifiers or food from inside of his mouth. The febrile seizure usually lasts about 20 seconds and is a single episode, not much of a concern. If the seizure lasts more than 2 minutes, the child should be taken to the hospital.
When talking to the doctor it is important to tell the baby's age and when the fever has arisen, whether it is continuous or if it seems to go by itself and always comes back at the same time because it makes a difference in the clinical reasoning and to arrive at the conclusion of what can to be.