Solanezumab is a drug that stops the development of Alzheimer's disease, because it prevents the formation of plaques of proteins that form in the brain, which are responsible for the onset of the disease and which causes symptoms such as memory loss, disorientation and difficulty speaking, for example. Learn more about the disease in: Alzheimer's Symptoms.
Although this drug is not yet on sale, it is being developed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly & Co, and it is known that the earlier you start taking it better, the results may be contributing to the patient's quality of life. insanity.
What is Solanezumab
Solanezumab is a drug that fights dementia and serves to stop the development of Alzheimer's disease in the initial phase, which is when the patient has few symptoms.
Thus, Solanezumab contributes to the patient's memory and does not develop symptoms such as disorientation, inability to identify the function of objects or difficulty in speaking, for example.
How Solanezumab Works
This drug prevents the development of plaques of proteins that form in the brain and are responsible for the development of Alzheimer's disease, acting on beta-amyloid plaques, which accumulate in the neurons of the hippocampus and the basal nucleus of Meyenert.
Solanezumab is a drug that should be given by the psychiatrist, and tests indicate that at least 400 mg should be taken through a vein injection for about 7 months.
See other forms of treatment that may be useful to improve the quality of life of the Alzheimer's patient in:
- Treatment for Alzheimer's
- Natural Remedy for Alzheimer's