Exercise to stay smarter is a scientifically proven way to stay with your mind in shape. The type of exercises to build a better and smarter brain are aerobic activities such as running or swimming, although just walking on foot can do improve brain learning and memory capacity because it improves blood supply and oxygen and nutrients.
Doing physical activity is an excellent exercise for the brain. Reading, doing accounts, logic games, jigsaw puzzles, or crossword puzzles are all ways to make the brain better, but physical activity is a great way to get your brain in shape and get smarter.
It can be said that physical exercise improves brain performance because by the age of 25 the region of the brain responsible for the memory learning and storage capacity, called the hippocampus, begins to lose about 1% volume per year, and although it is natural that with aging the brain gradually loses some capacity for memory and learning, the truth is that just like the muscle tissue of the rest of the body, physical activity can also decrease and even reverse the decay or physical aging of the brain.