Prolotherapy, or injectable therapy, is a medical technique used for the treatment of joint pain. The technique involves the use of injections to regenerate injured tissues, such as inflamed tendons and ligaments, which cause pain and discomfort to the patient.
Prolotherapy involves the application of a solution through a capillary orifice of an injured area. This application is interpreted by the body as a new lesion and enters into a healing process, to double the regeneration capacity of the tissue, thus ensuring the effectiveness of the technique.
There are three types of solutions used in prolotherapy: chemical irritants (phenol), osmotic agents (glycerin and hypertonic glucose) and chemotactic agents (derived from cod liver oil).
Several benefits are provided by prolotherapy, among them the strengthening of the muscles and the increase of their elasticity. The technique is suitable for athletes or anyone suffering from joint damage. However, it must be applied by a qualified professional to avoid possible problems, such as increasing pain after application. Further examinations should be performed to monitor the regeneration of the lesions.