Boldo tea is excellent for helping the liver function, being useful after a day of exaggeration, excessive alcohol or consumption of many fatty foods because it contains a substance called lactone that helps in the digestion of fats ingested.
It also helps to deflate the belly and still fights the gas because it is a great digestive, but it is important to take the tea soon after its preparation and not add sugar, because it ferments and disrupts digestion.
So the main benefits of goblet tea include:
- Improves liver function;
- Aid in the digestion and functioning of the digestive system;
- Decreased heartburn;
- Decreased effects of alcoholic beverages;
- Helps in the treatment of gastritis;
- Assistance in the treatment of gallbladder problems;
- Relief of food intolerance symptoms;
- Decreased gas;
- Acts as antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial;
- It has soothing effect;
Despite all these benefits, boldo is contraindicated in case of obstruction of the gallbladder and during pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months of gestation, because it can cause miscarriage or cause malformations in the fetus.
How To Make Toast
To prepare the boldo, simply add the leaves of the plant in a cup with boiling water and let stand for a few minutes. Tea should be drunk several times a day.
How to plant boldo
Boldo is very fond of sunshine and therefore it is recommended that he always stay in a place where he can get some sun at any time of the day. Although suited to any climate in Brazil, the boldo does not like very cold, but does not need much care, nor constant pruning.
In the backyard:
To plant in the yard you just need to pluck a leafy gooseberry and a little bit of the main branch of the tree, dig a hole about 6 inches deep and lay there, covering it with soil. The leaves should fall, but if the branch remains green it is a sign that the goose will 'catch' and bloom.
In a pot of plants:
You can also plant the pot in a pot, as long as it is at least 30 cm high because the pot grows a lot and can go up to 1 meter in height and to support it a good amount of soil is needed. It is possible to plant in the pot in exactly the same way as on earth, but it is also possible to buy a seedling of the boldo or its seeds to bury in the damp earth.
It is not necessary to water the boldo daily, but whenever you think the earth is getting very dry because the boldo needs some moisture on the ground to grow healthy.
To harvest the leaves to prepare teas and infusions simply cut the final part of the leaves of boldo and use still fresh or let dry in the sun for a few days. After drying the leaves should be stored rolled up in a newspaper or placed in a properly covered glass container.