It is possible to know the sex of the baby, simply and quickly, without taking tests, using only the Chinese table. Just know the age of the mother and in what month she got pregnant to use this type of test. However, there are some important considerations that may influence the outcome, such as whether the mother was born before she completed 9 months of gestation or if she is pregnant with twins, for example.
The Chinese table is not accepted by the scientific community, but it is an interesting way to find out if you are expecting a boy or a girl, based on China's popular wisdom.
To find out the sex of the baby
To find out the result of the table for a specific case, complete the following data:
How the Chinese Table Works to Know the Sex of the Baby
This table works as follows:
1) A woman should find out her lunar age, which is the age when she became pregnant + 1, as long as she was not born in January or February.
For example: A woman who was born on 06/11/82, in 2012 turns 30. So if she gets pregnant this year, her lunar age will be 31. Whoever was born in January or February does not need to add +1 to her age, because her lunar age is the same age she became pregnant. For example: A woman who was born on 29/01/85, in 2012 turns 27. If she gets pregnant this year, her lunar age will be 27, since she does not need to add anything.
2) Just know what month she got pregnant and check in the table below. Blue squares represent the boys and pink squares represent the girls.
Some situations that should be taken into account are:
- When the mother was born before the expected date: The lunar age should be calculated according to the date on which it should be born. For example: If the mother was born 8 months, in the months of January and February, she should add + 1.
Other ways to find out the sex of the baby are through the ultrasound examination performed during the prenatal and through the blood test called fetal sexing which takes into consideration the amount of hormones in the bloodstream but it is also possible to know the sex of the baby through the urine test that you buy at the pharmacy, see: Test to know the sex of the baby. Here's how to take the pharmacy test to find out the sex of the baby in Intelligender.