A good strategy to combat the pain and tiredness in the eyes do is to do a massage on the closed eyes and also do some simple exercises because they lengthen the ocular musculature, lessening the tension on them, bringing relief of this discomfort.
These steps are indicated for all people who have a vision problem, and even for those who are in good visual health, but who feels the sight tired and has occasional pain in the eyes. In addition, it is important to protect your eyes from day to day, see some precautions you must take in Essential Eye Protection. They improve the blood circulation of the eye region and around the eyes, and are also useful for disinfecting the eyes. See 4 simple exercises that improve blurry vision.
How to do massage
To do the massage to combat tired sight, one should be without makeup and with clean hands. Initially one should try to hold the eyebrows with index fingers and thumbs, moving them up and down, moving all the skin of that region and the forehead to remove all tension from this area.
Then you should close your eyes and support your hands in the eye area and make circular movements, lightly, without making any excessive pressure because this can leave the eyes fogged. You can do this little massage for 2 to 3 minutes and there will probably already be a relief from the pain and tiredness of the sight. Then you must do the 3 exercises that follow.
How to do the exercises
To prepare for the exercises you need to be sitting comfortably, looking forward. All exercises should be performed with the head facing forward, without contact lens or glasses.
1. Look left as far as you can without turning your head and standing in this position for 20 seconds while flashing 5 times. Then do the same exercise looking to the right.
2. Look up and then sideways, making a circular motion with your eyes, as shown in the picture.
3. Look at the tip of the nose for 15 seconds and then look at a point far away. Repeat this at least 5 times.
The tired eyes, scientifically called presbyopia, are the result of lack of mobility and elasticity in the cornea and the lens. These structures change in shape and stretch constantly, as the person looks in various directions and sees objects from near and far, but when the person spends many hours each day reading, watching TV, in front of the computer or using the cell phones to visit their social networks these structures remain more static than on the move and lose their flexibility over time.
Tips for fighting eye strain and improving vision
To avoid getting eye pain and tired looking when you are working on the computer or using the mobile phone is recommended:
- Prefer the yellowish lighting because they are more like the sunlight and do not hurt the eyes. This care is especially suitable for watching television, using the computer and the cell phone and it is also important not to be in front of these screens in a dark environment.
- Looking at a distant point every hour, the point should be as far as possible and you should stop to do this exercise several times a day, or at least hourly, so that you rest the vision closely and train the vision of away and contract and relax the lens of the eye. The breaks can be short and you can look out the window to a distant spot, get up to drink water or a coffee or even to go to the bathroom.
- Blinking more often because when we are in front of the computer there is a natural tendency to blink less, which is very detrimental to the eyesight. By flashing the entire eyeball is hydrated, and manages to rest and these small daily rests make a lot of difference at the end of the day.
Basically, the more movement the person gives to their eyes, the less chance they will have to suffer from tired sight and so the exercises are so effective at improving vision. But it is also important not to force your eyes to try to see better and keep your eyes well hydrated.
To solve your eye problem, see also:
- Causes and Treatment of Eye Pain
- How to treat an eye injury
- 5 Foods That Protect the Eyes