For hair to grow faster, it requires good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and care for new hair. After chemotherapy, hair takes about 2 to 3 months to grow back, and it is common for new hair to be slightly different from old hair, and it may be curly when it was smooth before or vice versa.
The texture and color of hair also tend to change, and even white hair may be born after chemotherapy. In about 1 year, most people return to having their hair completely normal, but in some cases this does not happen and the individual starts to have a new type of hair.
Here are some tips to help with hair growth after chemo:
1. Taking vitamins
Several vitamins are essential for hair growth, such as B-complex vitamins and vitamins A, C, D, and E. Vitamins will help keep the skin and scalp healthy, and strengthen hair strands. They are also important for the immune system, helping in recovery and strengthening of the body.
In addition to these vitamins, there are also remedies that can be advised by the oncologist, such as Minoxidil, Pantogar and Hair-Active.
2. Eat well
Healthy eating will provide all the necessary nutrients not only to aid hair growth but also to speed up the body's recovery after chemotherapy. For this reason, you should eat fruits, vegetables, whole foods, olive oil and grains such as flaxseed and squash, as well as avoiding the consumption of high-fat foods such as sausage, sausage and frozen ready-to-eat food. Drinking plenty of water is also important to maintain hydration of the skin and scalp.
3. Do not use chemicals on the hair
The use of chemicals can injure the scalp and weaken the structure of new hair, so avoid painting the hair or using straightening products while the hair is still very thin and brittle.
4. Moisturize your hair
As soon as the wires begin to rise, do hair moisturizing at least once a week. It will help strengthen the hair and improve its texture, in addition to also moisturize the scalp. Here are some homemade moisturizing recipes for hair.
5. Decrease your stress
Stress is known to cause hair loss, so one should try to lessen stress at home and at work. Many people have a full and daily routine feel irritated or tired, and without realizing it end up harming the proper functioning of the body, causing hair loss or weakening of the immune system, for example.
6. Practice physical activity
Practicing physical activity 3 to 5 times a week helps reduce stress, strengthen the body and improve blood circulation, thus aiding hair growth.
In addition, it is important to remember that hair needs time to grow, and that it takes patience and great care with new hair to thus stimulate healthy hair growth. In addition to the above tips, see also 7 other tips for hair to grow faster.