To control vomiting and diarrhea in children undergoing treatment for cancer, avoid very bulky meals and high-fat foods such as red meats, bacon, and sausage.
In addition, the child must be given plenty of fluids to maintain hydration and easily digestible foods, such as white bread, eggs and yogurt, which do not irritate the bowel.
Foods to control nausea and vomiting
Foods indicated to control nausea and vomiting should be soft and easily digested, such as:
- Skinless, roasted or cooked chicken;
- Soft fruits and vegetables such as peach, banana, avocado, papaya, pumpkin, tomato, potato;
- Toast, breads and biscuits;
- Porridge;
- Yogurt;
- Fruit ice cream.
In addition, it is also important to avoid fried foods, bacon, sausage, candies, very sweet cakes, pepper and foods with a very strong or very seasoned smell.
Tips for controlling nausea and vomiting
In addition to food, some tips for controlling nausea and vomiting in the child are to give only small amounts of food at each meal, avoid hot preparations and avoid consuming liquids during meals.
It is also important to only provide food to the child when the vomiting crisis is controlled and not let it go out or play after meals as physical exertion slows down digestion and increases nausea.
How to Control Diarrhea
To treat bouts of diarrhea, it is important to eat meals in small quantities and drink plenty of water, teas and natural juices throughout the day, preferably at room temperature. The foods indicated to control diarrhea are:
- Skinless chicken, low fat meat and fish;
- Cooked eggs, not fried;
- Rice, pasta, white bread;
- Yogurt;
- Grape juice, ripe banana, pear and apple without peel.
In addition, high-fat foods, such as fried foods, red meats and sausage, should be avoided as they may interfere with digestion and favor diarrhea. Also avoid eating raw vegetables and strong seasonings such as pepper, curry and palm oil.
In cases where diarrhea lasts for more than 3 days in a row, milk and dietary products should be withdrawn for at least 1 week, again offering them slowly to the child to see if they are the cause of diarrhea.