Rhinophyma is a disease characterized by the presence of masses or lumps in the nose, which grow slowly, but which when large or very large, can cause nasal obstruction. Rhinophyma occurs most commonly in men after age 40 and is usually a consequence of sebaceous gland hyperplasia, which is one of the characteristics of rosacea. Understand more about rosacea: what it is, symptoms and types.
Like rosacea, rhinophyma can be caused by prolonged exposure to the sun and excessive alcohol use. The diagnosis is made by the dermatologist from the clinical examination and the treatment is surgical, simple and without complications. If cancer is suspected, the tissue is sent to the laboratory for analysis of the cells.
Possible causes
The occurrence of rhinophyma may be associated with some factors that increase the chances of hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands and, consequently, appearance of pits in the nose:
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight;
- Excessive use of alcohol;
- Family history of rhinophyma;
- Stress.
In addition, rhinophyma may occur more easily if there is excessive consumption of caffeine and spicy foods, in addition to hormonal changes.
Main symptoms
The main symptoms of rhinophyma are:
- Redness in the nose;
- Change in the texture of the nose;
- Swelling;
- Dilation of the pores of the nose;
- Appearance of fibrous tissue;
- Presence of lumps in the nose.
The diagnosis of rhinophyma is through clinical examination, in which the dermatologist evaluates the characteristics of the lesion. This disease has a slow evolution and is not serious, however, if there are many lumps in the nose or if they are very large, there may be nasal obstruction.
The dermatologist may consider the presence of cancer associated with rhinophas lesions, such as basal cell carcinoma, which is a type of skin cancer characterized by the presence of spots that grow slowly over time. In this case, in addition to clinical diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a pathological examination, in which the cells are observed in order to verify the presence or absence of malignant cells. See what it is and what are the early signs of basal cell carcinoma.
How is the treatment done?
The treatment for rhinophyma is simple, guarantees good results and presents no complications. In the simplest cases rhinophyma, the dermatologist can indicate dermabrasion, which is a non-invasive procedure in which the doctor performs the scraping of the most superficial layer of the skin with a rough brush, laser or equipment with diamond particles. After the procedure is done, the region becomes sensitive, so you should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen to prevent darkening of the skin.
In more severe cases of rhinophyma, the doctor may indicate a more invasive procedure, which is surgical decortication, which corresponds to complete removal of the tissue from the nose, followed by dermabrasion and skin implantation.
In case of suspected cancer, the removed tissue is taken to a laboratory, where the cells will be analyzed for the presence or absence of tumor cells.
Home options
The home treatment for rhinophyma is the same as for rosacea, and can be made with aloe vera and rose water, as they have healing, moisturizing and antiseptic properties, and may be useful mainly in the post-surgical period. Here's how to use home remedies for rosacea.